Spanish Trekkers Lost on Ghorepani Trek

27 Aug 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

Two trekkers from Spain have been missing on the Ghorepani trek (between Ulleri and Ghorepani) for the past two days. Mr. Erik Kasanovas and Ms. Molas Junka Messi lost contact, according to Mr. Bharat Gurung from the local municipality. Two bags were found near a bridge, and it is suspected


Human skeletal found in Mardi Himal trek route

8 Aug 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

Human skeletal remains have been found near the base camp of the Mardi Himal trek in Machhapuchhre Municipality-9, Kaski. He niticed it near the Nigalo pasture, close to the Mardi Himal base camp, as informed by Rajendra Kshetri, the ward chairperson of Machhapuchhre Municipality-9.“Local sheep herder Govinda Gautam called to


TAAN मा मेरो भोट कसलाई

6 Aug 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

TAAN मा मेरो भोट कसलाईTrekking Agencies Association of Nepal, TAAN को बार्षिक साधारण सभा तथा आगामी २ बर्से कार्य कालको लागि कार्यसमिति को निर्बचान येही September २ तारिक का दिन हुन गइरहेको छ। एस दौरान विभिन्न उमेदवारका आकांक्षीहरु मैदानमा प्रेबेश गरेका छन्।बिगतका केहि कार्यकाल देखि TAAN केवल कर्मकाण्डी , भित्तामा


A brieff details of Annapurna Conservation Area

31 Jul 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

Annapurna is the series of mountain including Annapurna I 9091m. The Annapurna panoramic Himalayan range is known as the most beautiful mountain range in the world. The Annapurna circuit trekking is one of the best trekking in the world. The beauty of Annapurna is snow fun in the winter and


Kirtipur, Ancient town in Kathmandu

26 Jun 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

According to the ancient written records of Nepal, specifically the Gopalraj Vamshavali, it is said that a cow named Bauri (Bahurhi) roamed along the banks of the Bagmati River and reached the current location of Pashupatinath. There, she grazed on fragrant grass and started producing milk. Curious about what lay


Cultural and historical Kirtipur

23 Jun 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

प्राचिन किर्तिपुर सहरको इतिहाश नेपालको प्राचिन लिखित प्रमाण गोपालराज बन्शाबली अनुशार बहुर्हि (बौरी ) नाम गरेकी कैली गाइले बग्मातिको किनारी किनार गएर हालको पशुपतिनाथ भएको स्थानमा पुगेपछि बास्नादार घास खाइ दुध चडाएको र उक्त स्थानमा के छ भनि गोठालाहरुले खनेर हेर्दा पशुपतिनाथको ज्योतिले उक्त गोठाला भस्म भएको भन्ने पाइञ्छ। पछि


The Nettle Plant in Nepal नेपालमा सिस्नो र प्रयोग

18 Jun 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

In Nepal, the nettle plant, locally known as "Sisnu" (सिस्नो), holds significant cultural, culinary, and medicinal importance. In the past, it was not considered very useful except for some herbal medicinal purposes.Characteristics and HabitatSpecies: Generally, two species found in Nepal are Urtica dioica and Girardinia diversifolia, locally known as Himalayan


Clean and quiet hotel in Kathmandu

13 Jun 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

こんにちは。私はネパールが大好きな日本人です。ネパールでは「グルリンポチェ」と呼ばれています。今日は、私の友人であるシェカルさんを紹介させてください。ネパールは、私の第二の故郷です。初めて訪れたのは2010年。それ以来ネパールの魅力にとりつかれ、足繁く通っています。今回で5回目の訪問になりました。シェカルさんに出会ったのは、初めての訪問の際、タメル地区で旅行会社を探しているときでした。日本語を操る外国人に最初は警戒していましたが、付き合っていくうちに心から信用できる人だと分かりました。日本人と感覚が似ていて、とても律儀な人です。タメル地区にある様々な旅行会社と比較しましたが、シェカルさんが案内してくれるツアーが一番安かったです。彼とフェイスブックで友達になると、とても多くの日本人と交友があり、安心してツアーを依頼することができました。今回のネパール旅行の目的は、カイラス山巡礼ツアーに参加することでした。もちろん彼に依頼したのですが、大満足なツアーになりました。彼に依頼して本当に良かった!そんなシェカルさんがこのたび、ホテルを建てることに。さっそく利用させてもらいました。ホテルは、キルティプルという街から少し離れた場所にあります。「Green Eco Resort」という名前にふさわしく、緑と自然に恵まれた憩いの地です。 肝心な部屋ですが、日本のホテルと変わらないくらい清潔で、とても広々としています。特にバスルームは、カトマンズの高級ホテルと同じくらい綺麗です。タメル地区にあるホテルではまずお目にかかれない清潔さでしょう。もちろんWi-Fiもサクサクで、ホットシャワーもじゃんじゃん出ました。とても快適に過ごせます。タメル地区から30分足らずのロケーションにも関わらず、信じられないくらい空気が澄んでいて、ストレス社会の日本から解放された気分になりました。部屋にあるバルコニーからは、ヒマラヤ山脈の絶景を楽しめました。快晴の日にはエベレストも見えるそうです。夜はカトマンズ中心街の夜景がとっても綺麗!毎朝、バルコニーの椅子に座り、新鮮な空気を吸いながらチャイを啜ります。その日課がたまらなく贅沢な時間に感じられました。ちなみに、屋上は常にオープンしていて、360度のパノラマが楽しめます。チョバールからキルティプルの丘、スワヤンブナート、そして背後に聳えるチャンドラギリ山脈まで、雄大な景色を独り占めしたときは感動しました。ホテルのロケーションは、辺鄙なところにあると思っていたのですが、意外と周辺の観光に適した場所であることが分かりました。ケーブルカーでチャンドラギリ山脈の丘への登ったり、キルティプルの旧市街を歩いたり、日本山妙法寺までハイキングしたり、数日のんびりと過ごすには最適なロケーションです。また、ある日はシェカルさんの奥様であるカルパナさんの料理教室も体験しました。このようなアクティビティや現地の人との触れ合いは、旅に彩を与え、忘れがたい思い出になりますね。カルパナさんの作るネパール料理は、そこらへんのレストランより断然美味しい!ぜひ食べてみてほしいです。 ホテルまでのアクセスですが、シェカルさんに連絡すれば迎えに来てくれます。タメル地区でも、空港でも、カトマンズ近辺ならどこでも大丈夫です。 もしくは、バスが通っているので丁寧にホテルまでの乗り継ぎ方を教えてくれます。空港からホテルまでは15km、タメル地区からホテルまでは10㎞です。滞在中に希望するアクティビティがあれば、シェカルさんに伝えれば何でも相談に乗ってくれます。例えばカメラマンの方であれば、周辺地域へ地元の人しか知らないような撮影ポイントに連れて行ってもらったり、キルティプルの散策ツアーやトレッキングツアーなどです。他にも、「あれ食べたい!」とか、「これ買いたい!」とかでも大丈夫です。 カトマンズ盆地内の観光へはもちろんのこと、ポカラやルンビニなどの遠くへ行く場合でもチケットを格安で手配してくれます。つらつらと宣伝しましたが、私はシェカルさんからお金を受け取って宣伝しているわけではありません。 ただ、彼は少し不器用で宣伝が苦手なので、私が代わりに日本語で案内ようと思っただけです。グリーンエコリゾートは、とても落ち着いて滞在できる空間です。また泊まりたくなること間違いなし! Contact Shekhar:Cell: +9779813670109Land Line: +977-1-5213199Email: alpineasiantrek@gmail.comWebsite: もし必要であれば、私が日本語でメールのやりとりができますので、いつでも連絡してほしいです。日本人だからこそ何か適切なアドバイスができるかもしれません。”グルリンポチェ”ホテルのロケーションは、辺鄙なところにあると思っていたのですが、意外と周辺の観光に適した場所であることが分かりました。 ケーブルカーでチャンドラギリ山脈の丘へ登ったり、キルティプルの旧市街を歩いたり、日本山妙法寺までハイキングしたり、数日のんびりと過ごすには最適なロケーションです。


2 Mongolian Climbers missing above south Cole of Everest

15 May 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

Mongolian climbers, Purevsuren Lkhagvar and Ushukhjgargal Tsendamba missing above 8,000m on Everest in the middle of summit waves. Two Mongolian climbers disappeared after they departed Camp 4 for the summit. They were climbing without supplementary O2 or sherpa support. Usukhjargal Tsedendamba and Prevsuren Lkhagvajav last made radio contact with Base


कामीरिता कीर्तिमानी २९ औं पटक सगरमाथामा

13 May 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

Mr. Kami Rita Sherpa, the current world record holder, surpassed his own remarkable achievement by successfully summiting Mount Everest for the 29th time on May 12, 2024. This feat echoes the historic first ascent of Everest on May 29, 1953, accomplished by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa. According


Birendra lake Outbrust 2024

21 Apr 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

There was a glacier lake outburst in the Gorkha district yesterday. The glacier lake, known as Birendra Lake (3700m), is located north of Samagaun, before reaching the Manaslu (8163m) Himal Base Camp. Due to an avalanche from the Manaslu, the lake water splashed down, causing a flash flood downstream towards


Everest Expedition 2024

1 Apr 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

This spring 2024, 63 climber obtained permits to scale Mount Everest, including 13 women climbers and 50 men. Spring is considered the best time to climb Everest, and there may be more climbers waiting to apply for permits. Around 500 permits were issued for Everest alone. The first succesful climb


Maha Shivaratri Festival

7 Mar 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

Maha Shivaratri ( महाशिवरात्रि), 'The Great Night of Shiva') is a Hindu festival celebrated on 8th March 2024. The festival is in, March 8th 20024. Thousands of Hindu people visit to Pashupatinanth (honour of the deity Shiva) in Kathmandu from all over the countries and India as well as.According to


Avalanche in Annapurna circuit

5 Mar 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

There was an heavy avalanche in Manang area (Annapurna Circuit Trekking route) on 3rd march 2024. At Nyshang Dhikurpokhari, due to avalanche the circuit trail to Annapurna was blocked. The avalanche are is 14km north from the headquarter of Manang district Chame. As per the CDO of Manang, they have


Trekker found dead in Machhapuchare

26 Feb 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

Ms. Pla Josh, a German national, was discovered deceased in Machhepuchare, Nepal, where she had been trekking with an American companion. She had lost contact since Saturday, prompting the deployment of the Armed Police Force to search the suspected area. Her body was found vertically down a rock in Machhapuchare


Snow in High mountain

22 Feb 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

After a five-month dry winter, Nepal experienced widespread rain, with some areas even having hail mixed in. As the trekking season began in March and April, snowfall in the high Himalayas added excitement and challenges to the trails. Despite the difficulties, the snowy landscapes promised breathtaking views of the majestic


Mustang is nominated to best destination

11 Jan 2024 Alpine Asian Treks

The New York Times nominated to Mustang Trekking to its 52 best destinations to the tourist in the world. The lost forbidden kingdom of Tibet, Mustang has its unique cultural diversity and landscape. The recent days, tourist attracted to explore its unique culture “mountain Buddhism”, rural life and barren mountains.


World Record in Everest Climb

17 May 2023 Alpine Asian Treks

Sagarmatha 8848m is also known as Mt Everest is the top of the world is in Nepal. It was first summited by Sr. Edmond Hillary and Tenzing Norgey Sherpa in 1953 May 29. There are over 7000 successful ascents to the top of the world. There were over 300 death


Accident in Dhaulagiri trekking

22 Apr 2023 Alpine Asian Treks

Trekkers were going to Dhaulagiri trek from west side. One of the porter lift the luggage of the trekkers to Dhaulagiri Base Camp at an altitude of 4650m from sea level. The porters were returning to the Italian base camp (3500m) on 20th of April 2023. The avalanche hit them


What to bring in Tea House Trekking in Nepal

22 Apr 2023 Alpine Asian Treks

Everest area, Langtang region and Annapurna trekking area offers a lodges (guesthouse) to sleep and eat. The lodges are nice, friendly and prepare delicious food. You do not need to carry or worry about basic daily needs even though the followings are suggestions for your comfortable and safety. Sleeping bag:


Shivapuri Nagarjun National park hiking

27 Feb 2023 Alpine Asian Treks

Shivapuri Nagarjun National park hiking is the nearest park from Kathmandu which is situated to the north. The park is established in 2002 with the area of 144sqkm. The park receives local and international tourist to explore its natural beauty, flora and fauna. The Shivapuri Peak 2720m high from sea


Lodges guesthouse in Annapurna Base Camp Trekking

3 Dec 2022 Alpine Asian Treks

Lodges and guesthouses in Annapurna Base Camp trail Annapurna Base Camp Trekking is more convenient than in the past. The lodges and guesthouses have contact number to confirm you booking before you arrive to the village. This would also help to know the situation of weather and climatic conditions. Lodge/


Spiders in Nepal

15 Nov 2022 Alpine Asian Treks

spiders in Nepal More than 50 thousand spices of Spider are recorded in the world. From the study and research said that there are 386 types of spiders are recorded in Nepal and there could have many others spices which require more research. There are 34 different families found in


Annapurna Trekking And Its Bio-Diversity

14 Oct 2022 Alpine Asian Treks

1400 different types of plants, 128 spices of wild animal, 518 spices of birds, 40 spices of reptile, 23 spices of amphibians and 350 spices of butterfly. Annapurna is the series of mountain including Annapurna I 9091m. The Annapurna panoramic Himalayan range is known as the most beautiful mountain range


Dashain Festival in Nepal

30 Sep 2022 Alpine Asian Treks

Dashain is the great festival to the Hindu.  Dashain is celebrated in Nepal, India and other Hindu community like Indonesia, Bhutan, Myanmar etc. The Dashain falls in September/ October. This year the main day of Dashain is on the 5th of October. The festival is celebrated for 15 days and


Teej festival in Nepal

31 Aug 2022 Alpine Asian Treks

Teej (Haritalika), is the great festival of Hindu women which was observed yesterday (30th Aug 2022) of this year. The festival is mainly dedicated to Goddess Parvati, as she has got a union to Lord Shiva of after her devotional prayer. Further unmarried girls wish to get a best husband


UNESCO World Heritage Site in Kathmandu

21 Aug 2022 Alpine Asian Treks

UNESCO World Heritage Sites and other heritage site entry fees (per person) Kathmandu is a historical and cultural city. There are 7 UNESCO World Heritage Site only in Kathmandu valley and Lumnini and Chitwan national park is 2 other sites outside Kathmandu. These are worth visiting sites to the tourist


23 Indonesian trekkers were rescued from Tillicho Lake 4919m

12 Jul 2022 Alpine Asian Treks

Annapurna trekking is one of the beautiful trekking in the world. Classic Annapurna circuit trekking starts from Besishar and end in Pokhara via Throng La pass 5416m. The worlds highest lake Tilicho (4919m) is just couple of days side trek from Annapurna classic route. The trail separates from Manang village 3440m before


Frog worship in Kathmandu

6 Jul 2022 Alpine Asian Treks

Nepal is rich in its live culture and traditions. The richness of the culture represents the prosperity of the people in the society. Kathmandu is very rich in its culture and tradition. The farmer in Kathmandu worship Frog as a GOD. The tradition, which is called ‘Byanja Naka: Banegu’ in