Nepali Dal Bhat
Nepali Dal Bhat (नेपाली दाल भात) is a traditional and staple dish of Nepal, widely consumed all across the country. It is a simple and very nutritious meal that forms the core of Nepali cuisine. The name “Dal Bhat” literally translates to “lentil soup” (Dal) and “boiled rice” (Bhat). It is typically served with a variety of side dishes, making it a wholesome and balanced meal.
The Components of Dal Bhat:
1. Bhat (Boiled Rice/ plain rice): – It is one of the major portion in Neapli meal. Steamed rice, usually white, but sometimes brown or red rice is used in certain regions.
2. Dal (Lentil Soup): – The soup made from lentils (such as yellow, red, or black lentils), cooked with spices like turmeric, cumin, garlic, ginger, and sometimes tomatoes. – The consistency can vary from thick to soupy, depending on regional preferences. It is normally mixed with rice and eat together.
3. Tarkari (Vegetable Curry): – Normally it is a stir fried and cooked a Nepali spiced vegetable. It can be seasonal vegetables like potatoes, cauliflower, spinach, or beans, cooked.
4. Achar (Pickle): – A spicy and tangy condiment made from vegetables, fruits, or herbs, often with mustard oil and spices. There are a lot different varieties of Pickle found.
5. Meat: – In non-vegetarian versions, dishes like chicken curry, goat meat (khasi ko masu) are served alongside. It can be also stir fried cooked with Nepali spices.
6. Saag (Leafy Greens): – Cooked greens like spinach or mustard greens, often seasoned with garlic and spices.
7. Papad or Poppadom: – A crispy, thin flatbread made from lentil or rice flour, served as a side.
Cultural Significance: – Dal Bhat is not just a meal but a way of life in Nepal. It is eaten twice a day (for lunch and dinner) by many Nepali households. – It is a symbol of hospitality and is often served to guests. – In rural areas, Dal Bhat is considered the primary source of energy for farmers and laborers due to its high nutritional value.
Regional Variations: – Different regions of Nepal have their own variations of Dal Bhat. For example: – In the Terai region (southern plains), it may include more spicy and flavorful curries. – In the mountainous regions, buckwheat or barley may replace rice.
Nutritional Value: – Dal Bhat is a balanced meal, providing carbohydrates (rice), protein (lentils), vitamins, and minerals (vegetables and greens). – It is often considered a complete meal due to its combination of nutrients.
Fun Fact: – The phrase “Dal Bhat Power, 24 Hour” is a popular saying in Nepal (specially when in trekking), highlighting the energy and sustenance provided by this meal. Dal Bhat is not only a dish but also a reflection of Nepali culture, simplicity, and resilience. It is a must-try for anyone visiting Nepal!
The best Dal Bhat cooking in Kathmandu
Hotel in Kathmandu Green Eco Resort
Masala tea in Nepal
Masala tea, also known as masala chai, is a popular spiced tea beverage originating from Nepal/ India. It is made by brewing black tea with a mixture of aromatic spices, milk, and sugar. The term “masala” refers to the blend of spices used, and “chai” simply means “tea” in Nepali. Key Ingredients:
1. Black Tea: Typically, strong black tea leaves or tea bags (e.g., Ilam or Darjeeling).
2. Spices: A blend of spices, which may include: – Cinnamon – Cardamom – Ginger – Cloves – Black pepper – Star anise – Nutmeg – Fennel seeds
3. Milk: Usually whole milk (cow/ buffalo milk used in Nepal), but can be substituted with plant-based alternatives like almond or oat milk.
4. Sweetener: Sugar is commonly used to sweeten the tea.
Preparation: 1. Bill the milk and add same amount of water and boil (1 min) add the spices and tea leaves to extract their flavors.
2. Milk and sweetener are added, and the mixture is simmered until it reaches a rich, creamy consistency.
3. The tea is then strained and served hot. Masala chai is known for its warming, aromatic, and slightly spicy flavor profile. It is a staple in Nepali/ Indian households and is enjoyed throughout the day, often paired with snacks like biscuits or savory treats. It has also gained popularity worldwide as a comforting and flavorful beverage
Black Masala Tea: These days there are may people who don’t drink milk and sugar. In that case, you can make a Black masala tea. Just follow the Preparation rule and just don’t add milk and sugar. Enjoy your delicious Malala Tea.
Spanish Trekkers Lost on Ghorepani Trek
Two trekkers from Spain have been missing on the Ghorepani trek (between Ulleri and Ghorepani) for the past two days. Mr. Erik Kasanovas and Ms. Molas Junka Messi lost contact, according to Mr. Bharat Gurung from the local municipality. Two bags were found near a bridge, and it is suspected that they might have tried to enjoy the waterfall and were swept away by the river. According to the office of the Annapurna Conservation Area post in Birethanti, the trekkers were reported to be on the Ghorepani trek. The chief officer of the post mentioned that a beautiful waterfall is located near where the bags were found.
The search team has been looking for them for an entire day and found only two trekking poles nearby. Mr. Gurung stated that the search will continue towards the lower part of the stream on Tuesday.
Ghorepani is a beautiful viewpoint on the Annapurna Circuit Trekking trail. The spring and autumn seasons are popular with tourists wanting to enjoy the beauty of the Himalayas, whereas summer is much quieter. Trekking in summer is considered challenging due to landslides, flooding, heavy rainfall, leeches, and other factors.
Source: news agency
Human skeletal found in Mardi Himal trek route
Human skeletal remains have been found near the base camp of the Mardi Himal trek in Machhapuchhre Municipality-9, Kaski. He niticed it near the Nigalo pasture, close to the Mardi Himal base camp, as informed by Rajendra Kshetri, the ward chairperson of Machhapuchhre Municipality-9.
“Local sheep herder Govinda Gautam called to report the discovery of human remains near the Nigalo pasture close to the Mardi Himal trek’s base camp,” Kshetri quoted Gautam. “After receiving the information about the human remains, I have informed the Kaski police and the municipality. We will coordinate and head to the location where the remains were found soon.”
The location where the human remains were found is situated 1,200 meters east of the main path to the Mardi Himal base camp, in the gorge above the source of the Mardi River. He speculated that the remains found near the base camp of Mardi Himal could belong to Mitchell Louis Blumberg, a Sweden national who has been missing since January 14, 2024 who was trekking alone, may have been attacked by a bear.
Kshetri stated that the sheep herders only found a leg bone, clothing, and a mobile phone near the Mardi Himal base camp just yesterday.
Source: (07/08/2024)
TAAN मा मेरो भोट कसलाई
TAAN मा मेरो भोट कसलाई
Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal, TAAN को बार्षिक साधारण सभा तथा आगामी २ बर्से कार्य कालको लागि कार्यसमिति को निर्बचान येही September २ तारिक का दिन हुन गइरहेको छ। एस दौरान विभिन्न उमेदवारका आकांक्षीहरु मैदानमा प्रेबेश गरेका छन्।
बिगतका केहि कार्यकाल देखि TAAN केवल कर्मकाण्डी , भित्तामा नाम झुन्डाउने र TIMS को बहानामा पर्यटन बोर्ड धाउने बाहेक केहि उल्लेखनिय काम हुन सके जस्तो देखिदैन। कतिले त संस्थालाई थला पर्ने गरि पाँच तारेमा होटेलमा भोज खाएर आफ्नो राजनैतिक दाउ अगि बढाउन गाउमा गोरु जुधाउने , भलिबल खेलाउने जास्ता कार्य सम्म गरे। जसका कारण TAAN को पर्यटन बोर्डमा बेरुजु सम्म हुन पुग्यो।
अब आउने २ बर्सको नेत्रित्यले अहिलेको बदलिदो समय अनुसारको काम गर्न सक्ने ( Mission and Vision ) होस् । चुनाबमा अरुले तयार परिदियको घोसणा पत्र एक पटक सम्म पनि नपढेको उमेदवार नहोस। कुनै पनि कार्यगर्दा दुरगामी असर को बारेमा राम्रो संग बिज्ञ संग छलफल गरि निर्णय गर्ने व्यक्ति होस् । बिकाउ नारा, बिना गाइड वा भरिया पदयात्रा जान नपाउने र TIMS अनिबार्य गर्नु पर्दछ भन्ने मात्र उदेस्य नहोस।
TAAN जस्तो झन्डै २००० सदस्य भएको संस्था ले पर्बतिय पर्यटनमा
अध्ययन अनुसन्धान मा व्यापक श्रोत र साधन परिचालन गरोस
खासगरी स्थानीय रुपमा उपलब्ध श्रोत साधन (झरना लाइ छान्गारोहन , ठुला ढुंगा लाइ आकृतिमा , चट्टान कुदेर, फुल को बन , बनस्पति उधान ) विविधिकरण गरि कृतिम आकर्सन थपेर त्यो ठाउलाइ बिसेस विधायुक्त बनाउन स्थानीय निकाय संग पहल गर्नु पर्दछ। एसले पर्बतिय पर्यटन लाइ बचाई राख्न सहयोग गर्न सक्क्ष।
हाम्रा निकुञ्जमा थप होटल लज को विस्तार भन्दा पाटि हरुको निर्माण गरि अन्य ब्यबस्ता ब्यबसाय गर्ने हरुले गर्न पाउन पर्दछ।
हिमालय को आधार सिबिर वा नजिकका गाउमा योग वा ध्यान केन्द्रको विकास गर्न सके पर्यटनमा नया आयाम हुन गई पदयात्रा ब्यबसाय लाइ पनि सहयोग हुने थियो।
पदयात्रा ब्यबसाय लाइ कसरि विविधिकरण संग जोड्न सकिन्छ,
कसरि प्रबिधि मैत्री हुदै गुणस्तर बढाउन सकीन्छ
हालको असहज निकुञ्ज प्रबेस नियम, बिमा लगायत का बिसएमा राम्रो धारणा भएकोलाई एस पाली को मात दिने विचार छ।
यो मेरो नितान्त व्यक्तिगत विचार हो। कसैपर्ती लक्क्षित छैन। गल्ति हुन गएमा माफ सहित
A brieff details of Annapurna Conservation Area
Annapurna is the series of mountain including Annapurna I 9091m. The Annapurna panoramic Himalayan range is known as the most beautiful mountain range in the world. The Annapurna circuit trekking is one of the best trekking in the world. The beauty of Annapurna is snow fun in the winter and full blossom of Rhododendron flower in spring. The other attractions are fresh water lake (Tilocho Lake at an altitude 5000m) the highest lake in the world, world’s deepest gorge (Kaligandaki gorge 4.8km deep), the barren mountains, Himalayan peaks attracting to the tourist.
In 1992, Annapurna Conservation Area is established to conserve the flora, fauna, culture and its nature and ecosystem. This is the biggest conservation area which covers 7629 sqkm with different climate, geography and starts from 760m to 8091m. Annapurna conservation are harbor 1400 different types of plants, 128 spices of wild animal, 518 spices of birds, 40 spices of reptile, 23 spices of amphibians and 350 spices of butterfly.
Annapurna glacier flourish Marshyangdi river to the north east, Kali gandaki (holy river) to the west south, Seti river, Modi river, Madi river to the east south. All the river combines and form as Narayani river when they arrive done to Terai (Narayanghad) south. The damodar Kunda (holy lake) and Muktinath Temple is also considered a sacred site to the Hindus. Approximately 100000 people live within the park. There are around 1000 lodges to supply the food and accommodation to the tourist. The lower village, there are mixed type people (Bramin, chhetri, Gurung, Magar etc) live and in the higher village Tibetan Bhotias (Gurung and Thakali) are the major resident. The lower village people cultivate rice, wheat, corn and also have farming and small business where as the upper village people do yak and sheep farming and logistic business to their living.
There are nice and tiny lodges and available good food to the tourist. There are small village with lodges and tea shop in every one-hour distance. From Manang to Muktinath has limited village to serve the tourist. The lodges are fully occupied in tourist season and the average is 40% busy within the year. The average expenses are about 10-15US$ per tourist for food and sleep whereas they spent US$39 per tourist (permit, transport, meal, sleep, guide, porter etc) per day.
Annapurna Conservation Area Project running training to the local, building trails, maintaining and motivation program to conserve the wildlife and nature. Even though, the environment issue is getting tougher. One study said that one tourist produces 1kg non bio degradable garbage per day and the local are consuming more and more firewood for cooking and etc. The highest number recorded more than 200000 tourists per year including domestic.
After COVID 19 pandemic, one study said that over 20000 guide loses their job, hundreds of tourist agency close their business, 230000 jobs are badly affected. Thinking of the crisis whether it is about nature conservation or earning or creating more jobs and earning, there should be a master plan. The lodge standard could be upgraded and the trekking guide and porter could have refreshment training. It seems like that should have to be done soon.
Trekking in Annapurna
Trekking in Annapurna is not very demanding as it there are lodges for accommodation and can buy a food from lodges. The trekking can be hard or serious even life threatening if any one do not care enough before start. It requires a proper clothing, enough information about the recent changes, personal physical condition, and good knowledgeable guide.
The major trekking itinerary are as following
I. Annapurna circuit trekking (12-15days)
II. Annapurna base camp trekking (7-10 days)
III. Ghodepani trekking (4-5 days)
IV. Upper Mustang trekking (12-15 days)
V. Mardi Himal trekking (7-9 days)
VI. Jomsom Muktinath Trekking (7-10 days)
VII. Kopre Ridge Trek (7 days)
The above mention information and statistic are taken from and an article from The Kathmandu Port 13/10/2022.
Kirtipur, Ancient town in Kathmandu
According to the ancient written records of Nepal, specifically the Gopalraj Vamshavali, it is said that a cow named Bauri (Bahurhi) roamed along the banks of the Bagmati River and reached the current location of Pashupatinath. There, she grazed on fragrant grass and started producing milk. Curious about what lay at that spot, the herdsmen dug and found the divine light of Pashupatinath, which incinerated the herdsman. Later, the son of this herdsman, Bhuktaman, was made king of the land. These herdsmen lived near present-day Matatirtha (Padmakasthagiri) or in what is now Kirtipur. Because they achieved great deeds and left behind a legacy, the place came to be known as Kirtipur.
On the other hand, in the 12th century, it is said that King Shivadeva established Kirtipur (Dolagiri). This fact has been mentioned by foreign historians like Bandal, who have published records and history of Nepal. According to historian Bhuvan Lal Pradhan, Kirtipur might not be older than other cities in the Kathmandu Valley, but it is an ancient historical, cultural, and beautiful city.
From a tourism perspective, after Bhaktapur, it is a city rich in art, culture, and old traditions. Predominantly inhabited by the Newar community, this city also has a significant place for Buddhism, with many ancient Buddhist monasteries and stupas scattered around.
Photo from: wikipedia
Cultural and historical Kirtipur
प्राचिन किर्तिपुर सहरको इतिहाश
नेपालको प्राचिन लिखित प्रमाण गोपालराज बन्शाबली अनुशार बहुर्हि (बौरी ) नाम गरेकी कैली गाइले बग्मातिको किनारी किनार गएर हालको पशुपतिनाथ भएको स्थानमा पुगेपछि बास्नादार घास खाइ दुध चडाएको र उक्त स्थानमा के छ भनि गोठालाहरुले खनेर हेर्दा पशुपतिनाथको ज्योतिले उक्त गोठाला भस्म भएको भन्ने पाइञ्छ। पछि उक्त गोठाला को छोरा भुक्तमान लाइ उक्त देसको राजा बनाए। ति गोठालाहरु हालको मातातिर्थ (पद्मकस्थागिरी) नजिकै बस्दथे अथवा हालको किर्तिपुरमा बस्थे। एस्तो पबित्र कार्य गरि किर्ति राख्न सफल भएकोहुनाले एस ठाउको नाम किर्तिपुर रहन गएको भन्ने भनाइ पनि पाइन्छ।
अर्कोतर्फ़ १२औ सताब्तिमा राजा शिवदेवले किर्तिपुरको (दोलागिरी ) स्थापना गरे भन्ने कुरा नेपालको अविलेख एबम इतिहाश प्रकाशन गर्ने बिदेसी इतिहासकार बण्डालले उल्लेख गरेका छन्। इतिहासविद : भुवन लाल प्रधान
यसबाट किर्तिपुर काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाका अन्य सहर भन्दा पुरानो नभएपनि प्राचिन एइतसिक , संस्कृतिक एबम सुन्दर सहर हो। यो पर्यटकीय हिसाबले भक्तपुर पछि कला संस्कृति एबम पुरानो सैली युक्त सहर हो। नेवार् जातिको बाहुल्य रहेको यस सहरमा बुद्धमर्गिको पनि उत्तिकै स्थान छ जहाँ पुराना बौध बिहार तथा गुम्बा हरु येत्र तत्र पाइन्छन।
The Nettle Plant in Nepal नेपालमा सिस्नो र प्रयोग
In Nepal, the nettle plant, locally known as “Sisnu” (सिस्नो), holds significant cultural, culinary, and medicinal importance. In the past, it was not considered very useful except for some herbal medicinal purposes.
Characteristics and Habitat
Species: Generally, two species found in Nepal are Urtica dioica and Girardinia diversifolia, locally known as Himalayan giant nettle.
Habitat: Nettles plants grow in temperate and subtropical regions, typically in the mid-hills and mountainous areas of Nepal. They thrive in moist, nutrient-rich soils, often near water sources and forests.
Cultural and Culinary Uses
Food/ soup: Sisnu is a traditional food in Nepalese cuisine. The young leaves and shoots are harvested, boiled, and often made into a soup called “Sisnu ko jhol.” This soup is valued for its nutritional content and is a staple in rural diets.
Preparation: Cooking or drying neutralizes the plant’s stinging properties. The cooked leaves are used in various dishes, providing a rich source of vitamins and minerals.
Medicinal Uses
Traditional Medicine: In Nepalese herbal medicine, Sisnu is used to treat various ailments. It’s believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and is used to alleviate joint pain, arthritis, and skin conditions.
Nutritional Supplement: The high iron content in Sisnu makes it beneficial for treating anemia. It’s also used as a general health tonic to boost immunity and overall well-being.
Economic and Ecological Importance
Fiber Production: The Himalayan giant nettle is used for its fibers to produce traditional textiles and ropes, supporting local economies, especially in rural areas. The textile is believed to be better for the human body than other modern textiles.
Sustainable Harvesting: Sisnu is a renewable resource. Its cultivation and harvesting contribute to sustainable agricultural practices, soil conservation, and biodiversity.
Conservation and Challenges
Biodiversity: Sisnu supports various wildlife species by providing habitat and food sources, playing an integral part in the local ecosystem.
Overharvesting: There is a risk of overharvesting due to its economic value. Sustainable harvesting practices are essential to ensure that nettle populations remain healthy and productive.
Promotion and Research
Agricultural Development: Organizations and researchers in Nepal are promoting the cultivation and use of Sisnu, recognizing its nutritional, medicinal, and economic potential.
Awareness Campaigns: As urban life becomes more stressful and associated with various illnesses, people are increasingly seeking Sisnu soup and curry to maintain their health. Awareness about the benefits of Sisnu is being raised among local communities, encouraging its use in both traditional and modern contexts.
The nettle plant, or Sisnu, is a valuable resource in Nepal, deeply embedded in the country’s cultural heritage and daily life. Its diverse applications in food, medicine, and industry highlight its importance, while ongoing efforts aim to promote sustainable use and conservation.
Source: from the internet
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ホテルのロケーションは、辺鄙なところにあると思っていたのですが、意外と周辺の観光に適した場所であることが分かりました。 ケーブルカーでチャンドラギリ山脈の丘へ登ったり、キルティプルの旧市街を歩いたり、日本山妙法寺までハイキングしたり、数日のんびりと過ごすには最適なロケーションです。